About Turnaround

Business viability assessment.

Unprecedented times can call for unprecedented measures. Urgent assistance may be required to stay liquid and keep a business afloat. Business viability may be called into question by short-term environmental upheavals such as the pandemic or the loss of a key customer. Similarly, a long-term decline in performance, or a changing competitive environment will have a sustained impact on performance. The journey back to profitability needs to be a structured and managed process that can require considerable time and expertise.

To first stabilise and then return a distressed business to profit, Integra’s turnaround teams engage closely and act fast. The priority is to understand the immediate status and then identify the options and timing to improve cash and cost control.

Our analysis will focus on cash retention, and allocating resources to those areas fundamental for survival and – in time – growth. We look to ringfence non-essential costs, and propose solutions to best manage short-term cashflow, based on forecasting and priority objectives.

Turnaround assignments typically involve a combination of financial and operational factors. Integra work with management teams to combine our collective experience and achieve a business outcome that maximises the current situation.

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03456 80 95 65

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